Bioactive Humic Substances with Nitrogen

Package Size
250 ml | 500 ml | 1 ltr | 5 ltr | 20 ltr | Bulk



ECOHUME® PLUS is an Eco-friendly Biostimulant for Lush Green Crop, improved crop growth and productivity. It provides quick supplements of Nitrogen, improves chlorophyll synthesis and greenery in the plants. Ecohume® Plus improves quality and post-harvest life of agri-produce.

ECOHUME® PLUS enhances growth and productivity of a wide range of crops such as field crops, plantation crops, vegetables, fruits, ornamental, fiber crops and home & garden.

750 - 1500 ml per Hectare

Drenching/Drip irrigation: 2500 ml per Hectare

Use along with fertilizers as per regular farmer practice.

Significant productivity improvement was reported by apple, vegetables and other field crop growers.

It has also been well accepted by the tea gardens in Assam.

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