Humic Substances 6% (For Fruits & Vegetable)

Package Size
100 ml | 250 ml | 500 ml | 1 ltr | 5 ltr | 20 ltr | Bulk


Approved for use in Organic farming   –NPOP


Ecohume FnV® isan innovative Biostimulant derived from freshly processed Renewable Agri-biomass.Ecohume FnV® contains bioactive forms of Humic Substances, which works at different growth stages of fruit and vegetable crops to increaseplant vigor and health, fruit size, weight and quality.The product accelerates plant metabolic processes in the plant, enhances nutrient uptake, improves water holding capacity and stress tolerance. EcohumeFnV® improves quality and shelf life of the produce.

Suitable to improve productivity of a wide range of crops such as fruits, vegetables, cereals, plantation and field crops, indoor and outdoor plants etc.

750 - 1500 ml per hectare

Drenching/Drip irrigation: 2500 ml per hectare.

Ecohume FnV® applications at vegetative stage and early reproductive growth stage is more effective.

Use along with fertilizers as per regular farmer practice.

Farmers reported significant yield increase in fruits crops such as pineapple, vegetable crops such as Potato, Tomato and Chilli etc.

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